The East Boothbay Community Church Council is made up of nine elected church members, the Pastor, and key staff personnel. Elected members serve for a period of three years. The work of the Church Council is to assist the Pastor, in voice and volunteerism, in her decision making process in making the church mission a reality.

Responsibilities of Church Council

1. To remain actively involved in the life and spirit of the Church

2. To determine Church needs and establish Church priorities and goals.

3. To encourage increased parishioner involvement.

4. The Church Council member does not implement, but in a prayerful and supportive manner supplies direction, evaluates assets and sets priorities.

The Church Council itself is a planning body, the Council's committees are the action bodies and serve to implement the vision and plans of the Council.  The committees determine how goals and priorities of the Council will be actualized in their specific areas of Parish life.  At least one Council member must be a member of each committee with the responsibility of reporting activities and concerns to the Council.

For further information, please click the links below to read the Church Constitution and By-Laws