Christian Service Committee
The Christian Service Committee invites the community to share God's blessings with their sisters and brothers who are in need. In addition, they organize and implement such special projects as the Outreach Christmas Wish Tree, back to school socks and underwear drive for Outreach clients and hygiene/personal care items for refugees.
Access Faith
This group will help our parish to Open Doors through accessibility, Open Minds by Awareness and Open Hearts to Ministry for and with our brothers and sisters with disabilities.
Care for God's Creation Committee
This group promotes a sense of appreciation for God's creation and the desire to preserve it for ourselves and for future generations. Their mission is to educate and oversee the implementation of environmentally sound measures within The Church of the Legacy and the surrounding community. Major events include recycling at Summerfest, Earth Hour, Little Raven Farm food program and various educational and informational programs.
Church Outreach
Members staff a food and clothing pantry that assists the needy within our community and various charities, groups and individuals Marlborough, MA and Boothbay Harbor, ME. Major events include holiday food collections, Christmas gifts for those served, and Easter baskets.
Legacy Visitors
Individuals minister to our ill and homebound members in hospitals, nursing homes, rehab, Hospice or their own homes.These ministers bring Holy Communion to the sick or simply visit if that is what is desired and appropriate.
Church Community Committee
This Committee promotes the building up of community in the church as well as with the universal Church and the larger civic community.
Scouting opportunities for girls and boys are offered by church leaders.
These members, 55years and older, meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 2:00 PM for social contact, personal enrichment and travel opportunities.
Warm Hands Yarn Ministry
A group of people who knit for Outreach families, nursing home patients and others in need. These members and friends meet once a month and/or knit from home, making baby blankets, lap robes and afghans.
Welcoming Committee
The Welcoming Committee helps new members feel "at home" in our church by making a friendly phone call after the formal registration meeting.